New Year’s wishes, an annual tradition that I gladly adopt from Man Ray. During his Parisian period, he used to create a number of New Year’s cards for his friends. He enjoyed experimenting with various techniques when making those cards. In these digital times of New Year’s wishes through social media, messenger, or SMS, I also think it’s a nice idea to simply send a card by mail. A few of them still arrive here every year, and they always find a special place.
I took the photo somewhere in November during that unusually warm period we had. I say ‘unusually,’ but when it comes to ’the weather,’ exceptions are increasingly becoming the norm. The flower cannot withstand frost, and it shouldn’t have been there anymore during those November days.
So, please don’t be offended if you didn’t receive a card. I used a random order and stopped when I ran out of cards. But for many friends, I simply don’t have a mailing address anymore; everything goes through some Messenger or another. Just let me know in a message or email where I can send that card, and I’ll be happy to send one to you next year.